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Jozef Lupták - Free in One Hudba

Violončelo + hlas + beatbox = Free in One, sólo Jozefa Luptáka ~~~ Cello + voice + beatbox = Free in One, solo by Jozef Luptak

CD Free in One je už na ceste! ~ Your CD is on the way!

CD Free in One je už na ceste! ~ Your CD is on the way!

Vaše balíčky k Vám dorazia v najbližších dňoch. ~ ~ ~ Your CDs with rewards will arrive in few days.

Milí priatelia!

Práve v týchto chvíľach k Vám cestuje Vaše CD. Pevne verím, že sa Vám dostane v najbližších dňoch. Ak by sa tak nestalo, kontaktujte nás prosím na info@konvergencie. Niekedy totiž človek mieni, Pošta mení. Verím však, že všatky zásielky nájdu svojich majiteľov bez problémov.

Ešte raz by som Vám chcel poďakovať za Váš príspevok.

Nech sa Vám krásne počúva!

Jozef Lupták

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dear friends!

You should recieve your CD (+ rewards) in just few days. I really hope for fast delivery. But sometimes some adventurous mails can stuck somewhere. For cases like this, please don't hesitate to contact us at, we will (try to) solve every kind of delivery problems.

Thank you very much for your support and enjoy the music!

Jozef Lupták




project authorJozef Lupták


€5Dobrý pocit ~ Good feeling

Pre tých, ktorí chcú podporovať kvalitnú a nadčasovú hudbu. ~ For those, who want to support good and timeless music.

Expected delivery of the reward: June 2017

The number of rewards is not limited

Reward unavailable

€12CD Free in One

CD Free in One - violončelo, hlas a ústne rytmy - dlho očakávané sólové CD Jozefa Luptáka. Doručíme ho priamo k vám ešte čerstvé, priamo z tlačiarne. ~ CD Free in One - cello, voice and beatbox - long-expected solo CD of Jozef Luptak. We will deliver it to you fresh from the factory.

Expected delivery of the reward: June 2017

The number of rewards is not limited

Reward unavailable

€15CD+podpis+venovanie ~ CD+signature+inscription

Rád Vaše CD podpíšem i pripíšem osobné venovanie, prípadne venovanie niekomu, koho by ste chceli hudbou obdarovať. ~ I will be pleased to sign and personally inscribe the CD for you or for anyone you want to give it to.

Expected delivery of the reward: June 2017

Number of available rewards: 1/30

Reward unavailable

€26CD+koncert ~ CD+concert

Viete, že hudba vždy znie inak naživo? Tak Vás okrem počúvania CD srdečne pozývam na krst CD a koncert! Predpokladaný termín a miesto: 24.6.2017, Bratislava ~ You know that live music sounds always differently? Let me then except from listening to the CD invite you to its launch and a concert! Expected date and place: 24.6.2017, Bratislava

Expected delivery of the reward: June 2017

Number of available rewards: 19/30

Reward unavailable

€38Nech žije čelo! ~ Vivat Cello!

Milujete zvuk violončela a jedno CD Vám nestačí? Ku CD Free in One si vyberte ďalšie dve CD z mojej diskografie. Od Bacha cez židovské či rómske piesne po minimalizmus. [URL=""]Vyberte si ďalšie 2 CD tu.[/URL] ~ You love the sound of cello and one CD is not enough? Add two more CDs from my discography. From Bach through Roma or Chassidic Songs to minimalism. [URL=""]Choose 2 more CDs here.[/URL]

Expected delivery of the reward: June 2017

Number of available rewards: 11/20

Reward unavailable

€1,000Koncert pre Vás ~ A concert for You!

10 CD + 10 vstupov na krst CD + koncert len pre vás, vašich priateľov či vašu spoločnosť. Sú príležitosti, kde živá hudba vnáša krásu a radosť. Rád budem spolu s vami ich súčasťou. (termín a miesto podľa dohody) ~ 10 CDs + 10 invitations to the CD launch + a concert just for you, your friends or your company. There are occasions where live music brings beauty and joy. I would be pleased to be part of them together with you. (time and date to be agreed)

Expected delivery of the reward: June 2017

Number of available rewards: 5/5

Reward unavailable